Monday, September 14, 2009

Lessons Learned: August 28-September 5, 2008

Originally published September 6, 2008

This is what I've learned over the past two weeks.

Lessons Learned: August 23nd through September 5th.

*I've always been very good at controlling my anger. I'm the king of letting things just roll off my back. Until lately. Lately I've had a very short fuse. I don't why... but I'm starting to really like it. Now it takes nothing for me to go from 0 to 60 and completely loose my shit. Which leads me to...
*When I get really angry, I can say very mean and hurtful things with little to no effort. I am a very observant person, so I've gotten very good at zoning in on the one thing that will crush a person's spirit.
*I don't always regret saying these things.
*Getting bitten hurts.
*I have a crush on someone I've never met.
*I am not a violent person. At all. But I've learned there are certain people I'm not above hitting. Even if I consider them my friend... or if they're a girl.
*I have a hard time being creative if I don't have a deadline or some sort of pressure hanging over my head.
*There are some big decisions concerning by future looming on the horizon... and an inordinate amount of people who seem to be hanging their futures on what I decide.
*This is very stressful to me.
*I've learned that there are people in this world who really hate me. Not hate enough to wish me dead... but hate enough that when I say hi to them in the grocery store they take a second to stop and look at me then continue on as if I was never there.
*There are two people in my life upon whom I base nearly every major decision I make.

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