Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 11-18, 2009

After much soul searching, badgering and the realization that I often make the same mistake twice... or even three times... Lessons Learned are back.

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 11th through 18th.

*It appears that as I get older, I'm getting more immature. Sometimes it worries me... not enough for me to actually do anything about it... but it worries me none the less.
*I don't think my high school self would recognize the person I am today.
*My facebook statuses are often misinterpreted.
*Sometimes too many good ideas is a bad thing.
*Revisiting old memories with old friends is great. Making new memories with these friends is better.
*An accent can make a girl seem way hotter than she actually is.
*My emotions have led me to a very dangerous place.
*Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side.
*I don't like confrontation.
*British people can't play flip cup.
*Creatively, I've found myself in a sort of limbo. And I'm really in no rush to get out.

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