Monday, September 14, 2009

Lessons Learned: August 8-15, 2008

Originally published August 15, 2008

Now that The Pushers are on a extended hiatus, I've found myself with an abundance of free time. Past experience has shown that me and free time usually leads to trouble... so after much deliberation I decided to use the time to better myself as a person. Then I realized that even with this new plan, I would still have a lot free time left over.

To eat up that time, I've decided to chronicle my journey of enlightenment. But instead of doing the whole journal thing... which I really don't have the desire or patience to follow through with... I'm going to just give the bullet points of what I've learned each week.

If for some bizarre reason you have an aching desire to know more about one of my lessons, just ask.

Lessons Learned: August 8th through 15th, 2008

* I miss the process of making a film. I don't miss the process of making a film in 48hours.
* My hair color is not Real Black.
* I've been labeled a SLB (Sly Boob Looker). Which is refreshing, because I always though I was pretty obvious in my boob looking.
* I don't like feeling like I'm being taken for granted by people I care about.
* Some people find me arrogant. I always thought of myself as confident. I'm fine with either one.
* I'm slightly envious of Neil Marshall.
* I'm ready for August to be over.

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