Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 19-25, 2009

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 19th through 25th.
*Certain people can make me do stupid things.
*I've not had a vacation in 4 years.
*Wine and dinner with friends should be mandatory for Monday nights.
*Whiskey makes everything better.
*I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
*Whiskey can lead to trouble.
*Boredom and I don't get along.
*I wish I was someplace other than here.
*I have the beginnings of a great idea.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 11-18, 2009

After much soul searching, badgering and the realization that I often make the same mistake twice... or even three times... Lessons Learned are back.

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 11th through 18th.

*It appears that as I get older, I'm getting more immature. Sometimes it worries me... not enough for me to actually do anything about it... but it worries me none the less.
*I don't think my high school self would recognize the person I am today.
*My facebook statuses are often misinterpreted.
*Sometimes too many good ideas is a bad thing.
*Revisiting old memories with old friends is great. Making new memories with these friends is better.
*An accent can make a girl seem way hotter than she actually is.
*My emotions have led me to a very dangerous place.
*Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side.
*I don't like confrontation.
*British people can't play flip cup.
*Creatively, I've found myself in a sort of limbo. And I'm really in no rush to get out.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lessons Learned: October 17-30, 2008

Originally published October 31, 2008

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: October 17th through 30th.

*I think I found my creative drive again. I just need to see who wants to come along for the ride.
*Screaming "Let's make some babies!" in the middle of a wedding reception does not endear you to the parents of the bride and groom.
*It may be time to stop looking at an open bar as a challenge.
*A new suit makes a world of difference.
*When getting a girl's number... it helps to also get her name.
*I am looking forward to reconnecting with some old friends.
*Any date that starts at the bar of a Ruby Tuesdays can not end well.
*I don't mind using someone, if I know they are using me right back.
*"I have a gun and I'm going to start murdering people" means the party you're at has taken a weird turn and that it's probably time to leave.
*I need to really start paying attention to that little voice inside my head that says "...this is a bad idea that's going to come back and bite you in the ass."

Don't forget... My Halloween Bash is tonight. Bring yourself, bring a friend (preferably slutty) and bring some beer. I guess I'm not going to be listening to that little voice tonight.

Lessons Learned: October 4-16, 2008

Originally published October 17, 2008

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: October 4th through 16th.
*I should not be held responsible for anything I say while double fisting beers and martinis.
*It does not make me lazy if I stay in my pajamas until 8pm.
*I think I'm in a creative rut… though honestly for that to be true I would actually have to be doing something creative.
*Unexpected late night guests are awesome.
*I have a knack for getting myself into trouble… even when I know better.
*Being the go-to guy can be a drag.
*I enjoy hosting late night parties.
*Corn whiskey probably shouldn't be used for drinking games.
*I need to pay more attention when girls are checking me out.
*Drunken conversations about horrible break-ups is an enjoyable way to spend the evening… though I'm not sure what it says about me that I had the best 'worst' story.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 13 - October 3, 2008

Originally published October 6, 2008

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 13th through October 3rd.

*Drinking an entire bottle of Johnny Walker causes me to say and do stupid things.
*I can put up with many unappealing qualities in a girl if she's cute… however boring is not one of them.
*You can spend 8 hours walking the streets of New York and never talk to a single person.
*I am often arrogant. Often my arrogance is justified.
*Turns out sending a cute girl a plate of bacon in a diner is not the same as sending a cute girl a drink in a bar.
*Picture mail is awesome… especially when the pictures you receive are of naked women.
*I like being forced to work outside my comfort zone.
*There is nothing more frightening or exhilarating then stepping out in front of an audience and not knowing what you're going to say.
*I've been suffering from annoying bouts of "being a gentleman".
*Don't leave your cell phone unattended unless you want text messages like "I like your breasts" and "I miss your vagina" sent to random people in your address book.

Lessons Learned: Road Trip Edition

Originally published September 12, 2008

For the next two week I will be in New York taking an improv course at UCB. I left Friday night around 9:30pm and made the 7 hour trip. 7 hours alone in a car gave me some time to think and reflect...

Lessons Learned: Road Trip Edition.
*WaWa does not sell porn.
*Drinking two 5 Hour Energy Shots will not give you 10 hours of energy.
*It will make you feel like your heart is about to explode.
*Valero does sell porn.
*There is a lot of music on my Ipod (I mean hundreds of songs) that I have absolutely no idea how got there. Which leads me to believe that my Ipod is a whore... or that I should start drinking less.
*The Canton Inn just may be my Shangri-La.
*I want to know who Johnny Janosik is? Okay, so that's not really a lesson... but for the love of god, his name is all over buildings between Maryland and Deleware. Who the hell is this guy?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 6-12, 2008

Originally published September 14, 2008

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 6th through 12th.
*If you have naked our comprimising photos on your cell phone... there's a good chance they will one day be sent to most of the people in your address book.
*Despite having a pretty good draft, my fanatsy football team is in serious trouble.
*My conscious/morales tend to surface at the most inopportune times.
*Now that I have started to put my idea for a short film onto paper I realize it's not as short as I first thought.
*Drinking beer on a fire escape is not a bad way to spend an evening.
*After 10years, my job and I may be headed for a nasty break-up.

Lessons Learned: August 28-September 5, 2008

Originally published September 6, 2008

This is what I've learned over the past two weeks.

Lessons Learned: August 23nd through September 5th.

*I've always been very good at controlling my anger. I'm the king of letting things just roll off my back. Until lately. Lately I've had a very short fuse. I don't why... but I'm starting to really like it. Now it takes nothing for me to go from 0 to 60 and completely loose my shit. Which leads me to...
*When I get really angry, I can say very mean and hurtful things with little to no effort. I am a very observant person, so I've gotten very good at zoning in on the one thing that will crush a person's spirit.
*I don't always regret saying these things.
*Getting bitten hurts.
*I have a crush on someone I've never met.
*I am not a violent person. At all. But I've learned there are certain people I'm not above hitting. Even if I consider them my friend... or if they're a girl.
*I have a hard time being creative if I don't have a deadline or some sort of pressure hanging over my head.
*There are some big decisions concerning by future looming on the horizon... and an inordinate amount of people who seem to be hanging their futures on what I decide.
*This is very stressful to me.
*I've learned that there are people in this world who really hate me. Not hate enough to wish me dead... but hate enough that when I say hi to them in the grocery store they take a second to stop and look at me then continue on as if I was never there.
*There are two people in my life upon whom I base nearly every major decision I make.

Lessons Learned: August 16-22, 2008

Originally published August 23, 2008

Okay... so here's what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: August 16th through 22nd.
* I have the beginnings of a pretty good short film rattling around inside my head.
* I'm not sure how to get it out.
* Rarely does anything good come from drinking till 730 in the morning... even when nakedness is involved.
* I've lost 24 pounds since April.
* I enjoy and excel at being a dipshit, but for some reason people keep pushing me into positions of responsibility. I can understand that from strangers... but my friends should know better.
* Sleeping in till noon is habit forming.
* I've become very fond of gin.

Lessons Learned: August 8-15, 2008

Originally published August 15, 2008

Now that The Pushers are on a extended hiatus, I've found myself with an abundance of free time. Past experience has shown that me and free time usually leads to trouble... so after much deliberation I decided to use the time to better myself as a person. Then I realized that even with this new plan, I would still have a lot free time left over.

To eat up that time, I've decided to chronicle my journey of enlightenment. But instead of doing the whole journal thing... which I really don't have the desire or patience to follow through with... I'm going to just give the bullet points of what I've learned each week.

If for some bizarre reason you have an aching desire to know more about one of my lessons, just ask.

Lessons Learned: August 8th through 15th, 2008

* I miss the process of making a film. I don't miss the process of making a film in 48hours.
* My hair color is not Real Black.
* I've been labeled a SLB (Sly Boob Looker). Which is refreshing, because I always though I was pretty obvious in my boob looking.
* I don't like feeling like I'm being taken for granted by people I care about.
* Some people find me arrogant. I always thought of myself as confident. I'm fine with either one.
* I'm slightly envious of Neil Marshall.
* I'm ready for August to be over.

Lessons Learned

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been getting a lot of shit for abandoning my lessons learned. So after much soul searching, I've decided that it maybe time to bring them back. Be on the look out for new lessons learned... coming soon.

In the meantime I'll be reposting the originals from the myspace blog. Enjoy.