Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lessons Learned: September 13 - October 3, 2008

Originally published October 6, 2008

This is what I learned this week.

Lessons Learned: September 13th through October 3rd.

*Drinking an entire bottle of Johnny Walker causes me to say and do stupid things.
*I can put up with many unappealing qualities in a girl if she's cute… however boring is not one of them.
*You can spend 8 hours walking the streets of New York and never talk to a single person.
*I am often arrogant. Often my arrogance is justified.
*Turns out sending a cute girl a plate of bacon in a diner is not the same as sending a cute girl a drink in a bar.
*Picture mail is awesome… especially when the pictures you receive are of naked women.
*I like being forced to work outside my comfort zone.
*There is nothing more frightening or exhilarating then stepping out in front of an audience and not knowing what you're going to say.
*I've been suffering from annoying bouts of "being a gentleman".
*Don't leave your cell phone unattended unless you want text messages like "I like your breasts" and "I miss your vagina" sent to random people in your address book.

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